Careers @ Husprey

What we do

 Husprey  is on a mission to revolutionize how data analytics teams build and share business insights. Read on! Backhand Index Pointing Down

Data teams are drowning in a dashboards, screenshots and copy-paste chaos. They spend 50% of their time answering business questions and building data narratives, and yet traditional BI does not serve this use case: it focuses on dashboards and self-serve.

Husprey aims at providing data teams with an integrated workspace where they can best accomplish their mission. We build a top-notch collaborative interface and leverage the latest Modern Data Stack technologies. Data and decisions are finally gathered in elegant data analytics notebooks, for faster insight delivery, easier reproducibility, and actual knowledge sharing.

Since our launch in 2021, many market leaders with a strong data culture have adopted Husprey, including Ankorstore, Gojob, Malt, and Withings.

Our vision
We are on our way to build the next-gen BI tools: the single platform to make data-backed decisions. Indeed, we believe that in the near future, we can't have both Notion and Looker standing in a company.
Data and Business can not be siloed to make decisions.

Our product

Our notebooks are the easiest way to feature the collective brain juice of data analysts, and make data-supported decisions.
They allow to quickly explore data and tell stories, and become the most consumable way for data teams and their internal data users. While they work on data and write queries, users get recommendations based on the previous work.

Watch a demo to see it in action Backhand Index Pointing Down

And do not hesitate to try it yourself!  Signup hereRocket 

What our users say
"Husprey notebooks are at the heart of each exploration and decision" -  Withings 
"Everything that is not a dashboard should be done in Husprey" -  Ankorstore 
"Husprey saved me a considerable amount of time!" -  Horace 

Our team and values

We are a well-funded seed-stage company, founded by a seasoned product team, and backed by first-class VCs, Business Angels, and advisors.

We form an open, ambitious and highly passionate team, currently growing in all areas. We value and stimulate ownership, initiative, and hands-on experience.

We dedicate ourselves to building a company with unimpaired values that will grow alongside its users.

Our values
Exigence bienveillante
Challenging each other so we aim for excellence while deeply caring personally (did not find a suitable translation of that one!)

Data informed > data driven > no data
A decision should be the result of brain juice and data. We eat our own dog food to make decisions Dog.

Be ambitious. Stay humble.
Humility plays a key role when it comes to listening to team mates & customers. Yet, this does not lower our self-confidence and ambition.

Our origin story

 Thibaut  and  Joffrey  have been working together for the last 6 years on several data-intense products, serving millions of users with cutting-edge experience and technology.
Both were aiming at leveraging available data for better company operations and product. Yet, they strongly felt the pain of ineffective collaboration and inappropriate tool set. Too many times, they saw great data work being misused or simply forgotten about.

As they were reflecting on their next venture at the beginning of 2020, it became clear that founding Husprey was the best way to bring their product and data experience together, and revolutionize the data space.

Curious about the name "Husprey"?  Read more on our website! 

Open positions

By joining Husprey, you will work with talented coworkers who've built valuable companies and products. You will tackle interesting technical and go-to-market challenges.

Open positions:
  •  💻Lead Software Engineer 
  •  💻Front-end Developer 

Don’t see the position of your dreams above?
We are always looking for great talents to join our team. If you want to work with us, email us: 

Read, listen, and watch more

Read, and subscribe to our newsletter  Huspress 

Listen to our CEO Thibaut talking about data notebooks, about the similarities between the Product Manager role and the Data Analyst one, and about the reasons why the French data ecosystem is blooming, in  the Data Gen podcast :

Watch Husprey users sharing their experience with our product Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes

Join us!

Missed the sections above and scrolled directly to the end? No worries, here again is how to get in touch Beaming Face with Smiling Eyes